Good that can come

Auth:wclab       Date:2023/10/5       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1008字       Views:189

The system, the situation, the odds are stacked against you and others like you. Can you visualize making note of all that and proceeding forward anyway?

You’re asking for help and not getting it. Have you thought about directing some of those requests to yourself?

There are plenty of ways the world could be more accommodating. But for a whole lot of complex reasons, it is the way it is right now.

You can blame and complain and protest and even disengage from reality out of frustration and disgust. Or you could accept the moment for what it is and do your own work to make good things come of it.

Let go of the assumption that everything’s wrong and you’ll discover opportunities to set certain things right. Your firm intention to make the best of a situation puts you in position to do so.

There’s goodness you can create from the way things are. Where you focus and what you do make all the difference.

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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