分类:Foot for thought 相关文章

from greatday.com

Experience now

Not sure what to do, what to say, how to feel? Start doing, start saying, start feeling, and find out. 不知道该做什么、该说什么、感觉如何?开始做,开始说,开始感受,然后找出答案。 It’s great to plan in advance based on what you think you want and believe. But no plan, no matter how elaborate, can take the place of experience. 根据自己的想法和信念……


The work of life

You never knew everything you had. You still don’t know the full extent of what you have. 你从未了解过你所拥有的一切。你仍然不知道你所拥有的一切。 So what can you do with it all? You can be grateful beyond what you even know, and determined to live what you have as fully as you can. 那么,你能做些什么呢?你可以心怀超越常人的感激之情,并下定决心,尽你所能,活出你所拥有的……


High standard

Hold yourself to a high standard. Don’t make it an impossible standard, but don’t let it be too easy either. 以高标准要求自己。不要把标准定得太高,但也不要定得太容易。 Remind yourself frequently of that high standard. But never speak of it to anyone else, at least not in so many words. 经常提醒自己注意这一高标准。但千万不要对别人说起,至少不要用这么多话。 Instea……


Keep growing

Right now you have an opportunity to grow. Take advantage of that opportunity to add depth, substance, and meaning to life. 现在,你有机会成长。利用这个机会,为生活增添深度、内涵和意义。 No matter what you’ve already accomplished, every challenge you take on can bring new benefits. Whatever your level of learning and experience, ……


Promises, promises

You wouldn’t rely on the promise of promptness from someone who is always late. You can’t rely on the promise of payment from someone who is always broke. 你不会依赖一个总是迟到的人对你的及时承诺。你不会相信一个总是没钱的人的付款承诺。 A promise that’s easy to make is just as easy to break. Certainly words have meaning, but actions mean a……


Different choices

Just because you didn’t, doesn’t mean you can’t. Though you may have wasted much time and opportunity, there’s no need to continue doing so. 你没有这样做,并不意味着你不能这样做。虽然你可能已经浪费了很多时间和机会,但没有必要继续这样做。 The past is the past and it doesn’t have to continue into the future. Because here you are right now in the pr……


Step up and start

The bolts are rusty. But give them a forceful turn of the wrench and you just might be able to loosen them. 螺栓生锈了。但用扳手用力拧一下,也许就能拧松。 The stack of papers is twenty inches high. Yet one page at a time, you can get everything organized and in its place. 纸堆有二十英寸高。然而,一页一页翻过去,你就能把所有东西整理好,摆放到合适的位置。 Your goo……


New fulfillment

Allow your life to be good. Appreciate everything you have the opportunity to experience. 让生活充满美好。珍惜你有机会经历的一切。 There have been times you would have given just about anything to be where you are right now. And here you are, so live it well. 曾几何时,你愿意付出一切来换取现在的生活。而你现在就在这里,好好生活吧。 Things are far from per……


Also enjoy tomorrow

Momentary pleasures are great, provided they don’t result in long-term burdens. If the cost lingers longer than the pleasure, it’s probably not worth it. 一时的快乐是美好的,但前提是不会造成长期的负担。如果代价比快乐更持久,那可能就不值得了。 With each choice you make, consider more than just the immediate results. Though you cannot stop the ……


One thing or another

Devote more time to joy, and there will be less time for anxiety. Make more space for love, and there will be less room for anger. 多一点时间享受快乐,就会少一点时间焦虑。为爱留出更多空间,愤怒就会减少。 Light and darkness cannot exist in the same spot. Hope and despair cannot share the same stretch of awareness. 光明与黑暗不可能存在于同一个地方。希望与绝……
