As soon as you make a decision, begin to put that decision into action. Lock in your commitment by immediately investing yourself in it. 一旦你做出决定,开始把决定付诸行动。锁定你的承诺,立即投入其中。
At the moment you decide on a course of action, your purpose is clear and your enthusiasm is high. Tap into that clarity and energy right away, before they have a chance to fade. 在你决定采取行动的那一刻,你的目标是明确的,你的热情是高涨的。在它们有机会消失之前,马上利用这种清晰和能量。
The sooner you begin, the more quickly you establish momentum. The less time you waste, the more time you have for making a difference. 你越早开始,你就越快地建立动力。你浪费的时间越少,你就有越多的时间来做出改变。
Rather than idly wondering how to proceed, begin to experiment with what works and what doesn’t. Instead of being afraid to make a mistake, look forward to learning from your mistakes and improving your efforts. 与其无所事事地想知道如何继续下去,不如开始试验什么可行,什么不可行。不要害怕犯错误,而是期待从错误中吸取教训并改进自己的努力。
You’ve chosen to move forward, so don’t contaminate that choice with excuses and procrastination. Honor your choice by acting on it with sharp focus and high expectations. 你已经选择了前进,所以不要用借口和拖延来污染这个选择。荣誉你的选择,以敏锐的焦点和高期望来行动。
Once you’ve decided, there’s much you can do, and no reason for delay. Act right away, get going quickly, and keep going strong. 一旦你决定了,你可以做很多事情,没有理由拖延。立即行动,快速行动,并保持强大。
— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫·马斯顿
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