Fill your day with gratitude

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/04/21       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1094字       Views:173

Make today a productive and enriching day by starting it with gratitude. Expand the quality and quantity of your possibilities by being appreciative of where you are and what you have. 从感恩开始,让今天成为富有成效和充实的一天。通过感恩你所处的位置和你所拥有的一切,扩大你的可能性的质量和数量。

Let your first thought be a thankful thought. And connect yourself with the abundance that’s all around you. 让你的第一个念头就是感恩。让自己与身边的丰富联系起来。

You can always identify plenty of reasons to be thankful. And that simple act of thankfulness gives power and persistence to your efforts. 你总能找到很多感恩的理由。而这种简单的感恩行为会给你的努力带来力量和坚持。

Focus your thoughts on the positive aspects of your life, and you cause their influence to grow. Be grateful, and your gratitude leads to even more for which you can be grateful. 把你的思想集中在你生活的积极方面,你就会使它们的影响不断扩大。心存感激,你的感激就会带来更多值得你感激的东西。

Expand upon the richness in your world by expressing appreciation for what you have. The blessings you benefit from are blessings precisely because you see them as such. 通过对你所拥有的一切表示感谢,扩大你世界的丰富性。你所受益的祝福之所以是祝福,正是因为你将它们视为祝福。

Remind yourself of the great reservoir of real value that’s already available to you. Live with gratitude, tap into that value, and you’ll create even more reasons to be thankful. 提醒自己,你已经拥有了巨大的真正价值。怀着感恩之心生活,挖掘价值,你就会创造出更多感恩的理由。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿


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