Be curious

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1119字       Views:31

Carry yourself to wonderful places you never would have otherwise known you could go. Express a genuine appreciation for life and everything in it, by being curious. 带自己去你永远不会知道你可以去的美妙地方。通过好奇心表达对生活和其中一切的真诚感激。

Keep yourself well informed about the universe around you while bringing new richness and unique experience into your life. Explore your curiosity. 让自己充分了解周围的宇宙,同时为您的生活带来新的丰富和独特的体验。探索您的好奇心。

To unleash your curiosity, let go of any intellectual arrogance you might harbor. For in order to be truly curious, you must first admit what you do not know. 为了释放你的好奇心,放下你可能怀有的任何智力傲慢。因为要真正好奇,你必须首先承认你不知道的东西。

After all, intelligence is more than a measure of what you already know. Intelligence involves being always open to learning new things, some of which will contradict what you already thought you knew. 毕竟,智力不仅仅是衡量您已经知道的事物的指标。智力包括始终对学习新事物持开放态度,其中一些会与你已经认为你知道的相矛盾。

Though curiosity will often compel you to undertake great effort, curiosity itself requires no effort. Simply drop your pretenses, allow yourself to be curious, and you are. 虽然好奇心通常会迫使您付出巨大的努力,但好奇心本身并不需要付出任何努力。只需放下你的伪装,让自己保持好奇心,你就是。

There is no end to the wonder that you can discover, wherever you are, whatever you do. Be curious, and be fully alive. 无论您身在何处,无论您做什么,您都可以发现无穷无尽的奇迹。保持好奇心,并充分活着。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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