You have what’s necessary

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/10/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1087字       Views:7

If you can invent an excuse to avoid action, you can also come up with a compelling reason to take that action. When there’s a reason to quit, there’s also a good reason to keep going. 如果你能发明一个借口来避免行动,你也可以想出一个令人信服的理由来采取行动。当有理由放弃时,也有一个很好的理由继续前进。

Do you have the skill and experience to make yourself miserable? You can transform that same skill to get you motivated, inspired, effective and fulfilled. 你是否有能力和经验让自己痛苦不堪?你可以把同样的技能转化为动力、灵感、效率和成就感。

Has too much time gone by with not enough meaning or accomplishment? By making more intentional use of your time you have the opportunity to achieve great things. 是不是太多的时间过去了,而没有足够的意义或成就?通过更有意识地利用你的时间,你有机会实现伟大的事情。

Is your past littered with mistakes and poor decisions? By learning from those mistakes, by making more positive choices, you can vastly improve the results you get. 你的过去是否充满了错误和糟糕的决定?通过从这些错误中学习,通过做出更积极的选择,你可以大大改善你得到的结果。

Every day, you utilize powerful skills and tap into abundant resources to bring to your life those things you think you most deserve. So what exactly do you think you deserve? 每一天,你都在利用强大的技能和丰富的资源,为你的生活带来你认为最值得拥有的东西。那么你认为你到底应该得到什么呢?

In fact, you deserve the best. Because you already have what’s necessary to make it happen. 事实上,你值得拥有最好的。因为你已经有了让它发生的必要条件。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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