Do it one better

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/10/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共846字       Views:29

Accept what is, accept what comes. Then do it one better. 接受现状,接受未来。那就做得更好

You’re not going to fix all that’s wrong in the world. Yet you can constantly improve yourself and many of the things around you. 你不能解决世界上所有的问题。然而,你可以不断地改善自己和你周围的许多事情。

If everything was already perfect you’d have nothing useful to do. Embrace the imperfection along with the good work it calls you to take on. 如果一切都已经完美了,你就没有什么有用的事情可做了。接受不完美,沿着它召唤你去做的好工作。

Proceed under whatever conditions exist. Discover that each day offers plenty of opportunities to thrive, to experience fulfillment. 在任何条件下进行。发现每一天都有很多机会茁壮成长,体验成就感。

Present yourself as a willing participant in each moment as it unfolds. Notice your eagerness to do the good you can do. 在每一个展开的时刻,把自己表现为一个自愿的参与者。注意你渴望做你能做的好事。

Whether you encounter ups or downs, joys or disappointments, always be willing and able to respond in a positive manner. Take what is, and do it one better. 无论你遇到的是起起落落,快乐还是失望,总是愿意并能够以积极的方式回应。接受现状,做得更好。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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