What it means to think big

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/10/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1202字       Views:7

Thinking big is not about devising outlandish goals for yourself. Thinking big comes from understanding you have an important role to play in the world. 想大不是为自己设计古怪的目标。思考大来自于理解你在世界上扮演着重要的角色。

When you focus on the big picture you’re better able to transcend the annoyances and frustrations that inevitably pile into your life. Think big in this way, and you rise above many of the obstacles that hold so many people back. 当你关注大局时,你就能更好地超越不可避免地堆积在你生活中的挫折和挫折。以这种方式思考大问题,你就会超越许多阻碍人们前进的障碍。

Thinking big is having genuine respect and gratitude for the positive possibilities. Thinking big means being committed to doing something useful with the best of those possibilities. 想得大是对积极的可能性有真正的尊重和感激。大思维意味着致力于利用这些可能性做一些有用的事情。

Thinking big is knowing that you have something unique and valuable to offer life. Thinking big means having the confidence to make it happen, no matter what problems stand in your way. 大胆思考就是知道你有一些独特而有价值的东西可以提供给生活。大胆思考意味着无论遇到什么问题,都有信心实现它。

Think big, and let go of what has already happened. Free yourself to direct your focus and efforts toward the good that can now be. 想得大一些,放下已经发生的事情。释放你自己,把你的注意力和努力引向现在可以实现的美好。

Why get dragged down by all the small stuff that doesn’t really matter? Lift your eyes high, look toward the future, think big and make a beneficial difference everywhere you go. 为什么要被那些无关紧要的小事拖累呢?把你的眼睛抬得很高,展望未来,大胆思考,无论你走到哪里,都能带来有益的变化。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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