Challenges you choose

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/10/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1183字       Views:11

There is no overwhelming need or financial incentive for people to climb mountains. Yet plenty of people do so, and often pay handsomely for the opportunity. 没有压倒性的需要或经济激励人们爬山。然而,很多人这样做,并往往支付可观的机会。

That’s because challenge itself has value that’s independent of having the challenge met. There’s much more gained from ascending a mountain than just standing at the top. 这是因为挑战本身就有价值,而不依赖于挑战的实现。登上一座山比站在山顶有更多的收获。

Challenges are enticing even when they’re not particularly daring or adventurous. For example, the worldwide market for puzzles and games of logic is valued at about twelve billion dollars. 挑战是诱人的,即使他们不是特别大胆或冒险。例如,世界范围内的智力游戏和逻辑游戏市场价值约为120亿美元。

Life is filled with challenges you don’t choose. An excellent way to equip yourself for them is with challenges you do choose. 生活充满了你无法选择的挑战。一个很好的方法来装备自己,他们是与挑战,你选择。

Just the act of deciding to subject yourself to challenge will give you increased confidence. By working your way through that challenge, you boost your confidence even more. 仅仅是决定让自己接受挑战的行为就会给你增加信心。通过努力应对挑战,你会更加自信。

The challenges you choose will positively impact your skills, your sense of purpose, your resourcefulness, and many other qualities. Challenge yourself often, adding strength, effectiveness, resilience, and wisdom each time you do. 你所选择的挑战将对你的技能、目标感、足智多谋和其他许多品质产生积极的影响。经常挑战自己,每次都能增加力量、效率、韧性和智慧。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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