Make new meaning

Auth:wclab       Date:2023/10/7       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1193字       Views:187

Meaning in life is not something you find by stumbling across it or searching for it or having it handed to you. The meaning in your life is the meaning you actively bring into it.

Life becomes filled with meaning as a result of time spent, activity you genuinely engage in, effort you put forth. Curiosity, struggle, connection, faith, joy, challenge, and achievement are but a few of the ways for giving meaning to life.

If you’re worried that not enough meaning will result from some particular choice, stop worrying and start doing. Meaning comes from being actively involved, not from analyzing and strategizing to capture it.

Sincerely care about the various aspects of what you’re doing and you cannot help but create meaning. Let go of the pretenses and let the meaning flow from your authentic actions.

You live a whole lot better when you have something to live for. That makes meaning more valuable than just about anything else.

Understand that every situation is an opportunity to make new meaning. The richness is yours to continue creating.

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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