Truth of who you are

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/04/18       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共997字       Views:94

Muscles morph into marshmallows when you neglect to use them. With strength and power you gain new comforts, but then those comforts set about to make you weak. 当你忽视使用它们时,肌肉会变成棉花糖。有了力量和力量,你就会获得新的安慰,但随后这些安慰会让你变得虚弱。

Think right now of what would challenge you in a meaningful way. Then immediately take a step to set the challenge in irrevocable motion. 现在想想什么会以有意义的方式挑战你。然后立即采取措施,以不可撤销的方式设置挑战。

You are far too valuable and unique to sit idle for long. The comfort of the present intoxicates you, but at a much deeper level your desire for adventure calls. 你太有价值了,太独特了,不能闲置太久。当下的舒适让你陶醉,但在更深的层次上,你对冒险的渴望在召唤。

Do something for a reason that’s more than just being able to say you’ve done it. Align your abilities, tools, preparations and passions with a specific purpose, and go. 做某事的原因不仅仅是能够说你已经做到了。将您的能力、工具、准备和热情与特定目标保持一致,然后出发。

Not too long ago, such an approach was essential for physical survival. Now, it’s more necessary than ever to connect you with the truth of who you are. 不久前,这种方法对于身体生存至关重要。现在,比以往任何时候都更有必要将你与你是谁的真相联系起来。

Who you are is beautiful and amazing. Live to make that truth abundantly clear. 你是谁是美丽而惊人的。活着就是要把这个真理说得很清楚。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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