Make the best of it all

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/04/19       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共897字       Views:162

Don’t waste your time regretting the opportunities you’ve missed in the past. Instead, make up for them beginning now, today. 不要浪费时间后悔过去错过的机会。相反,从现在开始,从今天开始弥补它们。

Transform every last regret into fresh, new enthusiasm for moving forward. Channel that enthusiasm in a meaningful and precisely defined direction. 把每一个最后的遗憾都转化为新的、新的热情,继续前进。将这种热情引导到一个有意义且精确定义的方向。

Make time work in your favor by making good use of it as it comes. Fill that time with effective effort. 通过充分利用时间,让时间对你有利。用有效的努力来填补这段时间。

Spend your energy on positive living. Good things happen in your life and your world when you work to make them so. 把你的精力花在积极的生活上。当你努力让美好事物发生时,你的生活和世界就会发生。

You have the opportunity right now to do that work. Instead of creating more regret, you can create more value and richness. 你现在有机会做这项工作。与其创造更多的遗憾,不如创造更多的价值和财富。

Despite the many troubles and shortfalls you inevitably face, there’s a whole lot you have going for you. Make it your business to make the best of it all. 尽管您不可避免地会面临许多麻烦和不足,但您还有很多事情要做。让它成为你的业务,充分利用这一切。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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