Higher perspective

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/04/23       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共959字       Views:98

Don’t waste your effort trying to push the problems down to a lower level. Instead, raise yourself to a higher level. 不要浪费精力去把问题往低处推。相反,要把自己提升到更高的层次。

From the top of the mountain you have a better perspective. So climb the mountain. 站在山顶,你会有更好的视角。那就爬山吧。

Do the work to get yourself above the problem, physically, mentally, spiritually. See the bigger picture, and within that picture will be more possibilities, resources, and connections. 努力让自己在身体、心理和精神上超越问题。看到更大的图景,在这幅图景中将会有更多的可能性、资源和联系。

Expand your horizon and suddenly you have a greater area in which to operate. Factors that previously limited you could very well empower you when viewed from a higher perspective. 扩大你的视野,突然间你就有了更大的活动空间。从更高的角度看,以前限制你的因素很可能会增强你的能力。

Consider steps you can take to reach that higher perspective. They likely won’t be easy, yet they will be worth the effort. 考虑你可以采取哪些措施来达到更高的视角。这些步骤可能并不容易,但值得付出努力。

Rather than being overwhelmed by any situation, look for how you can rise above it. Work to gain the high ground, and give yourself plenty of good options. 与其被任何情况压倒,不如寻找如何超越它的方法。努力争取制高点,给自己留出充足的选择余地。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿

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