Different choices

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/05/9       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共966字       Views:70

Just because you didn’t, doesn’t mean you can’t. Though you may have wasted much time and opportunity, there’s no need to continue doing so. 你没有这样做,并不意味着你不能这样做。虽然你可能已经浪费了很多时间和机会,但没有必要继续这样做。

The past is the past and it doesn’t have to continue into the future. Because here you are right now in the present, able to turn in whatever direction you choose. 过去已经过去,不必再延续到未来。因为你现在就在当下,你可以选择任何方向。

What if your disappointments stopped disappointing you? What if they started teaching you and motivating you to make different choices? 如果你的失望不再让你失望呢?如果它们开始教导你并激励你做出不同的选择呢?

Today you have the opportunity to choose action, effectiveness, and valuable results. Whatever happened yesterday no longer matters. 今天,你有机会选择行动、效率和有价值的结果。昨天发生的一切已不再重要。

If you’ve ever wished you had done something differently, your wish can now come true. Here is your chance to make the different, better choice, and to follow it through. 如果你曾希望以不同的方式去做某件事情,现在你的愿望可以实现了。这是你做出不同的、更好的选择并坚持到底的机会。

You know very clearly that your choices matter. Right now is when you can act on that knowledge. 你清楚地知道,你的选择很重要。此时此刻,你就可以根据这一认识采取行动。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿

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