Keep growing

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/05/15       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共958字       Views:109

Right now you have an opportunity to grow. Take advantage of that opportunity to add depth, substance, and meaning to life. 现在,你有机会成长。利用这个机会,为生活增添深度、内涵和意义。

No matter what you’ve already accomplished, every challenge you take on can bring new benefits. Whatever your level of learning and experience, you can always learn and do more. 无论你已经取得了什么样的成就,你所接受的每一个挑战都会给你带来新的收获。无论你的学习水平和经验如何,你总能学到更多,做得更多。

When you get to thinking you’ve seen it all, that cuts you off from new and enlightening experiences. Think instead about the possibilities of the moment, draw fresh energy from them, and jump out of your complacency. 当你认为自己已经看透了一切时,就会与新的启迪性体验失之交臂。反之,想想当下的各种可能性,从中汲取新鲜的能量,跳出自满的状态。

If you ever feel like you have all the answers, get busy and find more questions. See that each new discovery is a starting point, not a final destination. 如果你觉得自己已经掌握了所有答案,那就忙起来,去发现更多的问题。每一个新发现都是一个起点,而不是终点。

The joy of life is in the journey. The fulfillment you accumulate is in the growing. 人生的乐趣在于旅程。积累的成就感在于成长。

Whatever comes, whatever goes, keep growing. Never let it stop. 无论遇到什么,无论经历什么,都要不断成长。永不止步。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿


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