Make the time

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/06/4       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共708字       Views:77

If you’ve been meaning to get it done but haven’t, here’s what will help. Make the time. 如果你一直想做但还没做,下面的方法会有所帮助。挤出时间。

Show yourself and everyone else that you’re serious. Carve out sufficient time to get it done. 向自己和其他人表明你是认真的。挤出足够的时间来完成它。

Don’t trick yourself into thinking you can just squeeze it in between everything else. Give it the time and focus it deserves. 不要自欺欺人,以为可以在其他事情之间挤出时间。给它应有的时间和关注。

The difference between an empty wish and a real achievement is the commitment of your time. Set aside a specific block of time, and fill that time with effective effort. 空洞的愿望与真正的成就之间的区别在于时间的投入。留出一段特定的时间,用有效的努力来充实这段时间。

Every hour is filled with potential. Choose to transform more of that potential into lasting value. 每个小时都充满潜力。选择将更多潜能转化为持久价值。

Make the time. And you’ll make it happen. 挤出时间。你就会成功。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿


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