Invest your effort

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/06/4       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1130字       Views:88

Where effort goes in, meaning comes forth. When you invest time, thought, focus, and action, you end up with value and fulfillment. 努力在哪里,意义就在哪里。当你投入时间、心思、精力和行动时,你最终会获得价值和成就感。

Machines and elaborate systems can leverage your effort but they can never take the place of it. Because expending actual effort is essential to any rich, satisfying experience. 机器和精心设计的系统可以利用你的努力,但它们永远无法取代你的努力。因为任何丰富、令人满意的体验都离不开付出实际的努力。

When everything is done for you, nothing of significance comes from you, or accrues to you. All the material wealth and convenience in the world cannot ever substitute for the experience of making a difference. 当所有事情都是为你而做时,没有任何意义来自于你,也没有任何意义归于你。世界上所有的物质财富和便利都无法替代与众不同的体验。

What effort can you make today that will provide real substance? Go forward with that effort and bring its many benefits into being. 今天,你可以做出哪些努力来提供真正的实质内容?继续努力,实现它的诸多益处。

Seeking to be completely free of effort is an empty and disappointing pursuit. Put your energy instead into making your efforts more effective, beneficial, and influential. 追求完全不费力是一种空洞而令人失望的追求。相反,把精力投入到让自己的努力更有效、更有益、更有影响力上吧。

Giving your best effort creates goodness that reaches deep within you and extends far beyond you. It’s an opportunity you cannot afford to ignore. 尽最大努力创造美好,这种美好会深入你的内心,并远远超越你。这是一个不容忽视的机会。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿


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