
Auth:wclab       Date:2024/06/4       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1059字       Views:67

You need to be needed. As burdensome as they may be, your obligations add greatly to your life. 你需要被需要。尽管它们可能会给你的生活带来负担,但你的义务会大大增加你的生活。

Obligations don’t care about your resentment of them. So rather than resenting them, make it your business to embrace those obligations. 义务并不在乎你对它们的怨恨。因此,与其怨恨它们,不如把接受这些义务当作自己的事情。

By doing so, you are embracing your own competence, perhaps your generosity and thoughtfulness as well. You are actively making yourself more useful to yourself and others, and that’s a beneficial thing. 这样做,你就是在接受自己的能力,也许还有你的慷慨和体贴。你在积极地让自己对自己和他人更有用,这是一件有益的事情。

Obligations impose structure on your life. That structure can end up providing enduring support to all aspects of your existence. 义务为你的生活增添了条理。这种结构最终会为你生活的方方面面提供持久的支持。

You enrich your life when you take on new obligations. You raise your level of discipline by meeting those obligations. 当你承担新的义务时,你的生活就会变得丰富多彩。通过履行这些义务,你可以提高自己的纪律水平。

Have the courage to obligate yourself in meaningful and beneficial ways, and find the strength to honor your obligations. You’ll simultaneously add value to your own life, to all the lives you touch, and beyond. 鼓起勇气,以有意义和有益的方式履行自己的义务,并找到履行义务的力量。你将同时为自己的生活、你所接触的所有人的生活以及其他生活增添价值。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿


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