Discovery and experience

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/06/4       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共986字       Views:82

Make something beautiful just for the beauty of it. Do something meaningful just because it has meaning to you. 做一件美丽的事,只为它的美丽。做一件有意义的事,只因为它对你有意义。

Fulfillment is not a formula, not a step-by-step recipe that you can mindlessly follow. Fulfillment is a process of discovery and experience. 满足感不是一个公式,不是一个你可以漫不经心地按部就班的配方。充实是一个发现和体验的过程。

Be curious about the big picture as well as the minor details. Keep yourself aware of what’s going on around you and look for how you can add your own positive value to it. 对大局和细枝末节都要有好奇心。时刻关注身边发生的事情,并寻找如何为其增添自己的积极价值。

Appreciate what exists solely for its own sake. Give your love generously and you won’t feel the need to demand it. 欣赏存在的东西,完全是为了欣赏它本身。慷慨地付出你的爱,你就不会觉得有索求的必要。

Life is more than just a game to determine who can collect the most trinkets. It is a vast and dynamic domain with wonder, mystery, and possibility in every direction. 生活不仅仅是一场决定谁能收集最多饰品的游戏。它是一个广阔而充满活力的领域,处处充满惊奇、神秘和可能性。

Engage in the endless discovery, live the unbounded experience. Fill today with a life that’s real and worthy of the beautiful and unique person you are. 参与无尽的探索,体验无限的生活。让今天的生活充满真实,无愧于美丽而独特的你。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿


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