Know the reason

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/06/4       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共907字       Views:73

To make sure you get it done, give yourself a reason why. If a compelling reason isn’t apparent, dig deeper. 为了确保完成任务,请给自己一个理由。如果没有令人信服的理由,那就深入挖掘。

Create a solid connection in your mind between what you must do and what matters to you. Maintain that connection until the work is done. 在你的头脑中,在你必须做的事情和对你重要的事情之间建立一种牢固的联系。保持这种联系,直到工作完成。

If your motivation and enthusiasm begin to fade, remind yourself of the reason why. When difficulties and complications arise, let your reason push you through. 如果你的动力和热情开始消退,请提醒自己原因何在。当困难和复杂情况出现时,让你的理由推动你渡过难关。

Look beyond the effort and envision all the benefits of getting that effort completed. Focus on why and you’ll figure out how. 把眼光放远,设想完成这项工作的所有好处。专注于 "为什么",你就会知道 "如何做"。

Be clear on your reason why, and you’ll activate the power of your purpose. You’ll find the strength to take each necessary step along the way. 明确自己的理由,你就会激活目标的力量。你会找到力量,迈出前进道路上的每一步。

For everything you’ve ever achieved, there’s been a reason. Know the reason, and you’ll get it done. 你所取得的一切成就,都是有原因的。了解原因,你就会成功。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿


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