
Auth:wclab       Date:2024/06/4       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共942字       Views:65

Engage using your mind. Engage using your presence, with all you are. 用你的思想参与。用你的存在,用你的一切去参与。

Your life is not some flat, detached, concept. It is a dynamic, direct experience. 你的生活不是某种平面的、脱离现实的概念。它是一种动态的、直接的体验。

Go beyond merely wondering what various places and people and events would be like. Get yourself involved in them, with them, around them, and discover firsthand. 不要只是想知道不同的地方、人物和事件会是什么样子。让自己融入其中,与他们在一起,在他们身边,亲身去发现。

Trek through the living reality as it stimulates all your senses. Strengthen your skills and broaden your perspective by immersing yourself in things you never could have expected. 在活生生的现实中跋涉,刺激你的所有感官。沉浸在你意想不到的事物中,增强你的技能,开阔你的视野。

Learn much more than you could ever know from mere speculation. Feel the depth and uniqueness of your existence as you interact with what you can never fully understand. 学习到的知识远比你单纯的猜测要多得多。在与你永远无法完全理解的事物互动时,感受你存在的深度和独特性。

You’ll get the most out of whatever you put the most of yourself into. Engage yourself fully with the richness that’s possible in every moment. 无论你投入多少,都会获得最大的收获。让自己全身心地投入到每一刻的丰富生活中。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿



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