Ideal circumstances

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/06/4       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共897字       Views:78

Those who hold out for the perfect partner often end up with no partner. Those who seek the perfect opportunity may never find the opportunity they seek. 那些苦苦寻找完美伴侣的人,最终往往找不到伴侣。寻求完美机会的人可能永远也找不到他们所寻求的机会。

It’s great to expect the best out of life. But it’s foolish to expect the best to be handed to you upfront with no contribution on your part. 期待生活中最好的东西是件好事。但是,如果期望最好的东西在你没有做出任何贡献的情况下就会提前到手,那就太愚蠢了。

You’re simply not ever going to walk into a ready-made set of ideal circumstances. Yet you’ll encounter circumstances all the time where you can work to create much value. 你根本不可能走进一套现成的理想环境。然而,你会经常遇到可以努力创造巨大价值的环境。

A situation without any challenges is a fantasy. Look instead for situations with meaningful challenges. 没有任何挑战的情况只是一种幻想。相反,要寻找有意义的挑战。

Perfection is not usually a condition you can work from. It is, however, something you can always work toward. 完美通常不是你可以努力实现的条件。然而,它却是你可以一直努力的方向。

Go with what you have, with what’s available. And you’ll be able to go to some truly great places. 量力而行,量力而行。你就能去一些真正的好地方。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿


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