Opportunities for goodness

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/06/4       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1073字       Views:101

Some things you can change for the better, and others you can’t. Your effectiveness, your peace of mind, your levels of satisfaction and fulfillment depend on knowing the difference. 有些事情你可以改变得更好,而有些事情你却无法改变。你的效率、你的安心、你的满意度和成就感都取决于你是否知道其中的区别。

If you can improve the situation, take action. If nothing you do will make a difference, move on to something else. 如果你能改善现状,就采取行动。如果你所做的一切都无法改变现状,那就去做别的事情。

Put your time and energy where they can make a positive contribution. Engage in pursuits that bring new value into the world. 把你的时间和精力用在能做出积极贡献的地方。从事能为世界带来新价值的事业。

There’s never a good outcome when you spend your days filled with resentment and bitterness about what you can never change. You have too many opportunities to waste even a moment of your life with such negativity. 如果你整天对你永远无法改变的事情充满怨恨和愤懑,那永远不会有好结果。你有太多的机会,不应该因为这种消极情绪而浪费生命中的哪怕片刻。

Accept the reality of what has happened, of what is. Decide to identify meaningful portions of that reality where you can make a difference, and go to work. 接受已经发生的现实,接受现状。决定找出现实中你能有所作为的有意义的部分,然后去努力。

Always, there’s something good you can do. Let go of what’s beyond you, and let the available opportunities for goodness pull you forward. 你总能做一些好事。放下那些超越你的东西,让现有的善的机会牵引你前进。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿

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