Go your own way

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/06/4       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1087字       Views:143

The best way to win an argument is not to get into it. Refuse to take the bait. 赢得争论的最好办法就是不要卷入争论。拒绝上钩。

Occasionally it’s absolutely necessary to defend yourself and your position. But most of the time, you’re merely doing it in an attempt to satisfy your ego, and that gets you nothing. 偶尔为自己和自己的立场辩护是绝对必要的。但大多数时候,你这样做只是为了满足你的自尊心,这样做你什么也得不到。

If a driver tailgates behind you or cuts you off in traffic, escalating that minor incident can only make things worse, never better. Call upon your strength and better judgment, let it be their problem, not yours, and move on. 如果有司机在你身后追尾或在车流中拦截你,将这种小事件升级只会让事情变得更糟,而不是更好。发挥你的力量和更好的判断力,让这成为他们的问题,而不是你的问题,然后继续前进。

When someone intentionally insults you, it’s natural to want to return the volley. So keep in mind that the most powerful response is to ignore the insult as if it doesn’t matter, because it doesn’t. 当有人故意侮辱你时,你自然会想要还击。因此,请记住,最有力的回应就是无视侮辱,好像它并不重要,因为它并不重要。

Go your own way, according to your own values and priorities. Don’t let some feckless bully cajole you into going a way not of your choosing. 按照自己的价值观和优先事项,走自己的路。不要让那些没出息的小混混哄骗你,让你走自己不愿意走的路。

Do the good you seek to do. If someone has a problem with it, smile and continue to do the good you seek to do. 做你想做的好事。如果有人有意见,那就笑一笑,继续做你想做的好事。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿

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