Act on faith

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/06/4       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共882字       Views:102

Do you want to be motivated to take action? Then take action. 你想获得采取行动的动力吗?那就行动起来吧。

It’s a mistake to think that motivation alone initiates action. You initiate the action, and then motivation comes forth to continue it. 认为只有动机才能启动行动是错误的。先有行动,然后才有继续行动的动力。

So once you start actually doing what you intend to do, then you’ll be motivated. Thoughts and words from yourself and others can prompt you to act, yet true, sustained motivation arises only after you begin.

If you’re waiting for sufficient motivation, wait no longer. Get going and create that motivation. 如果你在等待足够的动力,那就不要再等了。行动起来,创造动力。

Every initial step forward is an act of faith. But once you’re in motion, you quickly develop momentum and motivation to sustain that motion. 最初迈出的每一步都是信念的行动。但是,一旦你开始行动,你就会迅速形成动力和动机,以维持这种行动。

Go ahead, feel that faith in your own ability and in the rightness of your intention. Then act on your faith, and all sorts of good and powerful things begin to happen. 来吧,相信你自己的能力,相信你的意图是正确的。然后按照你的信念行事,各种美好而强大的事情就会开始发生。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿


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