Truth remains true

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/06/4       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共964字       Views:100

The truth is simple. Though it is often not easy, or nice, or comfortable. 事实很简单。尽管这往往并不容易,或并不美好,或并不舒适。

If someone has to spend thirty minutes explaining himself, he’s not being truthful. Certainly life encompasses many legitimate complexities, yet in those complexities there’s ample space to embed falsehood. 如果一个人必须花上 30 分钟来解释自己,那他就没有说实话。当然,生活中包含着许多合理的复杂性,但在这些复杂性中也有足够的空间来嵌入虚假。

Truth is largely self evident. If something doesn’t seem right, it isn’t. 真理在很大程度上是不言自明的。如果有些事情看起来不对,那就是不对。

Truth remains true. One can evade it for a while, perhaps a very long time, but not forever. 真理永恒不变。人们可以暂时回避,也许回避很长时间,但不可能永远回避。

To the degree you seek and respect truth, you’re able to understand and deal successfully with reality. That requires work, humility, and escaping the grip of ego, but it’s well worth all that. 只要你追求并尊重真理,你就能理解并成功地应对现实。这需要努力、谦逊和摆脱自我的控制,但这一切都是值得的。

See truth, speak truth, act according to your honest understanding of what is true. And discover endless opportunities for authentic living in the potent realm of reality. 看到真实,说出真实,按照你对真实的诚实理解去行动。在强大的现实世界中,发现真实生活的无限机会。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿


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