Gloriously alive

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/06/4       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1007字       Views:175

Instead of chasing happiness, enjoy it. Instead of putting off life until later, live it fully where you are. 与其追逐幸福,不如享受幸福。与其将生活推迟到以后,不如在当下充分享受生活。

There is only the slightest connection between your external circumstances and the level of genuine joy you experience. Every moment is, more than anything else, what you make it. 外部环境与你体验到的真正快乐之间只有最微小的联系。每一刻都是由你创造的,而不是其他任何东西。

There are all sorts of positive and negative influences in your world. Yet the only ones that resonate within you are the ones you actually choose to identify with. 在你的世界里有各种各样的积极和消极影响。然而,能在你内心产生共鸣的,只有那些你真正选择认同的影响。

Your very nature is to be alive, aware, creative and spectacularly effective. Let go of your doubts and allow your true nature to shine through. 你的本性就是活力、觉知、创造力和惊人的效率。放下你的疑虑,让你的真性情大放异彩。

Take a thankful and loving look at all that’s right with your life. Put your energy into those things that have real value, and they will grow. 用感恩和爱的眼光看待你生活中的一切。把精力投入到那些真正有价值的事情上,它们就会成长。

You have every reason to live more richly and joyfully today than ever before. Right now, let the best of who you are be gloriously alive. 今天,你完全有理由比以往任何时候都活得更丰富、更快乐。此时此刻,让最美好的你焕发光彩。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿


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