True priorities

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/06/4       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共849字       Views:112

Your priorities play a major role in the way your life unfolds. It’s crucial to be honest with yourself about them. 你的优先事项对你的人生发展起着重要作用。坦诚面对自己的优先事项至关重要。

Your actual priorities are not defined by what you say they are or what you assume them to be. Your priorities are determined by what you do. 你的实际优先事项并不是由你所说的或你假设的来定义的。你的优先事项是由你的所作所为决定的。

Look at how you’re spending your time. Look at where you’re putting your efforts. 看看你是如何花费时间的。看看你把精力花在了哪里。

Those are your priorities. Those are your genuine commitments. 这些是你的优先事项。这些才是你真正的承诺。

How do you change your true priorities to align with what’s most meaningful to you? You change how you invest your time and energy. 如何改变自己真正的优先事项,使之与对自己最有意义的事情保持一致?改变你投入时间和精力的方式。

Pay attention to your true priorities, and take control of them with your choices throughout each day. Be sure to give yourself the priorities that propel your life in a positive, fulfilling direction. 关注自己真正的优先事项,并通过每天的选择来掌控它们。一定要让自己的生活朝着积极、充实的方向发展。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿


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