Celebrate meaning

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/06/4       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1013字       Views:143

Because darkness exists, light has value. Each challenge adds meaning to the reward. 因为黑暗存在,光明才有价值。每一次挑战都会为收获增添意义。

The essence of great, enduring art comes from the physical, mental and spiritual effort expended to create it. If the process was easy, instant and free, no one would care about the result. 伟大而经久不衰的艺术的精髓来自于创作时所付出的体力、脑力和精神的努力。如果创作过程是轻松、即时和自由的,那么就不会有人关心创作的结果。

There’s no reason to despair when the path becomes steep. Because it’s a clear sign you are nearing the top. 当山路变得陡峭时,没有理由绝望。因为这是你接近山顶的明显标志。

Do you find yourself wishing that life could be easier? Take that as your prompting to go out and instead make it more meaningful. 你是否发现自己希望生活变得更轻松?那就把它当作你的提示,走出去,让生活变得更有意义。

A life free of effort is a life devoid of any sense of fulfillment. What’s far more preferable is a life that creates and celebrates meaning. 没有努力的人生是没有成就感的人生。更可取的是创造和赞美意义的生活。

When your purpose is clear and honestly you, there’s no end to the opportunities for such meaning. Feel the beauty of that purpose, and embrace the potential of every person, every circumstance, every moment that comes your way. 当你的目标明确而真诚时,就会有无穷无尽的机会去实现这样的意义。感受目标之美,拥抱每一个人、每一种环境、每一刻的潜能。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿

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