Allow discipline

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/06/4       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共927字       Views:111

Discipline is not something you have to go out and get. It’s a power you can allow yourself to have. 纪律并不是你必须走出去才能得到的东西。它是一种你可以让自己拥有的能力。

You know what discipline is, what discipline means in your particular context. You’ve experienced what a period of consistent, disciplined action can enable you to do. 你知道什么是纪律,纪律在你的特定环境中意味着什么。你已经体验过一段时间的持续、有纪律的行动能让你做什么。

To create more of the same kinds of benefits, allow the discipline again. It’s not complicated or out of reach. 要想创造更多的同类效益,请再次遵守纪律。这并不复杂,也并非遥不可及。

Allow discipline, and you cause value to accumulate as time passes. Allow discipline, and you give specific expression to your sense of purpose. 遵守纪律,就能使价值随着时间的流逝而不断积累。遵守纪律,就能具体体现你的目标感。

Allow discipline, and you discover how much you can achieve. Allow discipline, and you activate skills and strengths you never knew you had. 遵守纪律,你就会发现自己能取得多大的成就。遵守纪律,就能激活你从未意识到的技能和力量。

The power of self discipline is as near as your next choice. Go ahead with discipline, allowing it to enrich your life and your world. 自律的力量近在咫尺,就像你的下一个选择。继续自律,让它丰富你的生活和世界。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿


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