Say what

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共932字       Views:30

Say what must be said, what adds value to the situation or discussion. But know also when you’ve said enough. 说出必须说的话,什么为情况或讨论增加价值。但也要知道你什么时候说得够多了。

Say what is for you to say, what comes from your experience and knowledge. But stop short of putting words in someone else’s mouth, and let others say for themselves what is theirs to say. 说出你该说的,来自你的经验和知识。但是,不要把话塞进别人的嘴里,让别人自己说出他们该说的话。

Say what is appropriate for the time and place and circumstance. Leave the other things you have to say for other times. 说出适合时间、地点和环境的内容。把你要说的其他事情留给其他时间。

Say with precision what is accurate. But don’t get so obsessed and verbose with the facts that you fail to communicate the truth. 准确地说出什么是准确的。但是不要对事实如此执着和啰嗦,以至于你无法传达真相。

Say what you’re honestly able to say. And when you don’t know what to say, be honest about that, and say so. 说出你诚实能够说的话。当你不知道该说什么时,就诚实地说出来。

Say what matters, and be quiet about what doesn’t. Speak with truth, with purpose, with respect, and with consideration for all that could happen because of what you say. 说出重要的事情,对不重要的事情保持沉默。以真理、目标、尊重和考虑因你所说的而可能发生的一切来说话。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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