Mix it up

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共773字       Views:22

Be serious and have fun. Be uncompromising and practice forgiveness. 认真一点,玩得开心。不妥协并练习宽恕。

Maintain a strong sense of purpose and stay open to new ideas. Be firm about your values and tolerant of others. 保持强烈的目标感,对新想法持开放态度。坚定自己的价值观,宽容他人。

The experience of life encompasses a wide range. Don’t let yourself get trapped in a narrow channel. 生活体验涵盖的范围很广。不要让自己被困在狭窄的通道中。

It’s highly valuable to understand deeply what you don’t agree with. You gain strength and confidence by confronting what you’ve never been familiar with. 深入了解你不同意的内容是非常有价值的。你通过面对你从未熟悉的事物来获得力量和信心。

Mix it up. Remain dedicated to all you care about while refusing to be all one way all the time. 混合起来。始终致力于您关心的一切,同时拒绝一直单向。

Inject some variety, contradictions, alternatives, and balance into your days. There’s treasure to be found where you haven’t been looking. 为您的生活注入一些多样性、矛盾、替代方案和平衡。在你没有寻找的地方有宝藏等着你去发现。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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