Go to work

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1007字       Views:30

Some occurrences you pretty much expect, or even intentionally work to make happen. Others take you completely by surprise. 有些事情你几乎是意料之中的,甚至是有意为之努力实现的。其他的则让您完全感到惊讶。

Yet whether today’s turn of events was intentional or not, there’s something good and useful you can do in response. Rather than smugly celebrating what’s happened or retreating in fear from it, go to work. 然而,无论今天的事态转变是有意为之,您都可以做一些有益的事情来回应。与其沾沾自喜地庆祝所发生的事情,或者因恐惧而退缩,不如去工作。

What’s happened has happened, reality is what it is. And the situation has changed from what it was just a little while ago. 发生的事情已经发生了,现实就是它本来的样子。与刚才相比,情况已经发生了变化。

Possibilities have popped freshly into existence. What you wisely assumed yesterday to be true, may not be the case at all today. 可能性已经新鲜出现。你昨天明智地假设是真的,今天可能根本不是这样。

Open your eyes, open your mind, observe, consider. Look at what has changed, what has not, and why. 睁开你的眼睛,打开你的头脑,观察,思考。看看什么发生了变化,什么没有改变,以及为什么。

See the very real potential for value that’s just been exposed to the light of day. Envision specific, beneficial, meaningful progress you can create with it, and go to work. 看到刚刚暴露在阳光下的非常真实的价值潜力。设想你可以用它来创造具体的、有益的、有意义的进步,然后开始工作。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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