Fulfill the promise

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共888字       Views:30

Shake off the burden of superficiality. Escape the enticement of meaningless, contrived drama. 摆脱肤浅的负担。逃离无意义、做作的戏剧的诱惑。

Purge from your awareness all the mass produced, mediocre content. Make plenty of room in your life for real wonder, purpose, challenge, adventure. 从您的意识中清除所有批量生产的平庸内容。在你的生活中留出足够的空间来创造真正的奇迹、目标、挑战和冒险。

Add new layers of depth and discovery to your experience of being alive. Revel in the truth that every day offers opportunities to amaze you. 为您的活着体验增添新的深度和发现层次。陶醉于每天都有机会让您惊叹不已的事实。

Consider what a rare and precious thing your existence is. Act with creativity and enthusiasm on the profound gratitude you feel. 想想你的存在是多么稀有和珍贵的东西。以创造性和热情来表达你所感受到的深深的感激之情。

You are passing through a unique and valuable moment. Fulfill the promise, well informed by every goodness you’ve ever known. 您正在经历一个独特而宝贵的时刻。履行承诺,充分了解您所知道的每一件美好事物。

Treasure the true substance that is all around you. And raise the value of life for all by fully living the life you have. 珍惜你周围的真实物质。并通过充分享受您所拥有的生活来提高所有人的生命价值。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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