Start here

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共798字       Views:28

This is not the ideal situation, yet this is the situation you have. Work with it. 这不是理想的情况,但这就是你所遇到的情况。与它合作。

Now is not the perfect time, but neither is it the worst time. Make good use of it. 现在不是完美的时机,但也不是最坏的时机。好好利用它。

Whatever you seek to do, you have to start somewhere. Start here, start now. 无论你想做什么,你都必须从某个地方开始。从这里开始,现在开始。

If you can envision in advance every step you’ll need to take, that’s great. If not, go ahead with the first step and set yourself up to figure out the next one. 如果您能提前设想您需要采取的每一步,那就太好了。如果没有,请继续执行第一步,并准备好弄清楚下一步。

Rather than producing another excuse, produce an initial result. Experience how right that feels, and let it pull you forward. 与其产生另一个借口,不如产生一个初步的结果。体验这种感觉是多么正确,并让它拉着您前进。

With whatever you have and whatever you face, you can make a difference if you’ll just put in the effort. Start here, start now, and keep going. 无论你拥有什么,无论你面临什么,只要你付出努力,你就可以有所作为。从这里开始,现在开始,然后继续前进。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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