Optimize reality

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共817字       Views:26

Difficult situations give birth to valuable opportunities. There’s something good you can do. 困难的局面孕育了宝贵的机会。你可以做一些好事。

Disappointment shines a bright light on what truly matters. You have ways to make a difference. 失望照亮了真正重要的事情。您有办法做出改变。

Conflicts and misunderstandings create a hunger for truth. You can act with genuine compassion and honesty. 冲突和误解产生了对真理的渴望。你可以以真诚的同情心和诚实行事。

The world often seems like a frightening and confusing place. Your love and presence bring healing and comfort. 世界常常看起来是一个令人恐惧和困惑的地方。你的爱和同在会带来医治和安慰。

Your attitude and efforts can cause life to be a more positive experience, for you and those around you. Meet each moment with the commitment to give it positive value. 你的态度和努力可以使生活对你和你周围的人来说是一个更积极的体验。以赋予其积极价值的承诺来迎接每一刻。

All the things that happen to you, around you and through you are real. With how you are and what you do, optimize that reality. 发生在你身上、你周围和通过你发生的所有事情都是真实的。根据你的现状和工作,优化这一现实。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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