What life brings

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1152字       Views:32

When you notice particular weakness in another person, let that prompt you to correct any similar weakness in yourself. When you perceive certain strength in someone else, be inspired to increase that same strength in your own life. 当你注意到另一个人的特殊弱点时,让它提示你纠正自己身上的任何类似弱点。当你在别人身上察觉到某种力量时,就会受到启发,在你自己的生活中增加同样的力量。

Learn from the triumphs and mistakes you observe in the people around you. Attune yourself to what causes life to be good, fulfilling, and impactful in a positive way. 从你在周围人身上观察到的胜利和错误中学习。让自己适应是什么让生活变得美好、充实和有影响力。

Your will can wake up valuable abilities and bring them to the surface. Feed that will with experience, purpose and intention. 你的意志可以唤醒有价值的能力并将它们带到表面。用经验、目标和意图来喂养那个意志。

Allow your spirit to be nurtured and encouraged by all you know, whatever the source, whatever the flavor. Choose to find within every occurrence inducements to grow in strength. 让您的精神受到您所知道的一切的滋养和鼓励,无论来源如何,无论味道如何。选择在每一次事件中寻找力量增长的诱因。

Take in the entirety of what life brings. Gather and direct the diverse energy, then point it in a meaningful and consistent direction. 享受生活带来的一切。聚集并引导不同的能量,然后将其指向一个有意义且一致的方向。

In quiet times and loud, in struggle and comfort, embrace the moment you’ve been accorded. Then proceed to give new value to life in your own unique way. 在安静和喧闹的时刻,在挣扎和舒适中,拥抱你被赋予的时刻。然后继续以您自己独特的方式赋予生活新的价值。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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