In the doing

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共912字       Views:35

Gather information and resources, plan your strategy, develop your capabilities. Then make good and meaningful use of what you have. 收集信息和资源,规划您的策略,发展您的能力。然后好好地、有意义地利用你所拥有的。

By all means prepare well for all you intend to accomplish. But don’t let the preparation be a substitute for the accomplishment. 请务必为您打算完成的所有任务做好充分准备。但不要让准备工作代替成就。

Your purpose is not to merely amass unused potential. Your purpose is to fulfill the potential to which you have access. 你的目的不仅仅是积累未使用的潜力。你的目标是实现你所能接触到的潜力。

When you actually execute your plan you open yourself up to the risk of failure. Yet without the risk, without the action, without putting yourself on the line, there can be no achievement. 当你真正执行你的计划时,你就会把自己暴露在失败的风险中。然而,没有风险,没有行动,没有冒着风险,就不可能有成就。

Do what you have prepared to do. Accept that it’s not going to unfold perfectly, and go ahead with it anyway. 做你准备好做的事。接受它不会完美地展开,无论如何都要继续下去。

Certainly there’s value and necessity in the preparation. Nonetheless, the fulfillment you seek is in the doing. 当然,准备工作有价值和必要性。尽管如此,你寻求的满足感是在行动中。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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