
Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共944字       Views:26

What you truly care about doing, gets done. What you care about learning, you quickly come to know and retain. 您真正关心做的事情都会完成。你关心学习的东西,你很快就会了解并记住。

If you’re failing to take action in some particular realm, it’s not because you’re incapable. It’s because you don’t have sufficient incentive. 如果你在某个特定领域没有采取行动,那不是因为你没有能力。这是因为你没有足够的动力。

Just as water naturally flows downhill, your energy flows toward whatever you perceive as most meaningful. The right incentive can push you all the way to the limit of what you can do. 就像水自然地顺流而下一样,你的能量会流向你认为最有意义的事物。正确的激励措施可以将您一直推向您可以做的极限。

What incentives exist for you right now? What incentives exert their powerful influence on the other people in your life? 您现在有哪些激励措施?哪些激励措施对你生活中的其他人产生了强大的影响?

Behind every what is a why. Keep that in mind when addressing your own behavior and everyone else’s behavior. 每一个 what is a why.在处理你自己的行为和其他人的行为时,请记住这一点。

Incentive has always driven action and always will. See it, know it, respect it, and apply incentive to the benefit of yourself and your world. 激励一直推动着行动,也永远是。看到它,了解它,尊重它,并将激励应用于您自己和您的世界。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿



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