Don’t and do

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共686字       Views:30

Don’t demand to be entertained. Do offer to be useful. 不要要求被娱乐。要有用。

Don’t wish for something good to come your way. Do create value out of what’s already available to you. 不要希望好事来临。务必从您已有的可用资源中创造价值。

Don’t fret that there’s not enough time. Do make use of each moment as it comes. 不要担心时间不够。要好好利用每一刻。

Don’t assume everyone sees the situation the same way as you. Do seek to understand and appreciate the rich variety of perspectives. 不要假设每个人都以和你一样的方式看待这种情况。务必寻求理解和欣赏丰富多样的观点。

Don’t expect anything to be free and effortless. Do experience the genuine fulfillment of making a positive difference for yourself and others. 不要指望任何事情都是免费和轻松的。要体验到为自己和他人带来积极影响的真正成就感。

Don’t ever give in to cynicism and hopelessness. Do all you can do to live life at its best. 永远不要屈服于愤世嫉俗和绝望。尽你所能过上最好的生活。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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