Trendy or dependable?

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共985字       Views:18

What’s trendy is valuable and exciting in the moment. But its value quickly fades. 时髦的东西在当下是有价值和令人兴奋的。但它的价值很快就消失了。

What’s dependable continues to be attractive and useful over long stretches of time. It offers value that endures, that you’re able to rely upon. 可靠的东西在很长一段时间内仍然具有吸引力和有用性。它提供持久的价值,您可以信赖。

Trendy can be fun and entertaining, and it is also a luxury. When you invest your time, your attention, or your resources in what’s trendy, the value returned is likely to be fleeting. Trendy 可以很有趣,也是一种奢侈品。当您将时间、注意力或资源投入到时尚事物上时,所带来的价值可能是转瞬即逝的。

Trendy can make you look smart and exciting to be around. Dependable is not nearly so sensational in the moment, yet it can make you rich in the long run. Trendy 可以让你看起来很聪明,让人兴奋。Dependable 在当下并不那么耸人听闻,但从长远来看,它可以让你变得富有。

Trendy and dependable both have their place. It’s good to keep that in mind, and to keep them in balance. 时尚和可靠都有其位置。最好记住这一点,并保持它们的平衡。

Enjoy indulging in some trends of the moment. But commit yourself also to the not-so-trendy pursuits that can yield enjoyment, richness, and fulfillment for years to come. 享受当下的一些趋势。但也要致力于不那么时尚的追求,这些追求可以在未来几年带来乐趣、丰富和成就感。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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