Richness that endures

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1089字       Views:24

A new toy will not bring new richness or meaning to your life. That’s up to you, your work, your commitment, your time, your effort. 新玩具不会为您的生活带来新的丰富或意义。这取决于你、你的工作、你的承诺、你的时间、你的努力。

You swipe, you tap, and it arrives at your door in eighteen hours. Three or four hours later it’s not nearly enough, and you find yourself wanting more. 你滑动,点击,它会在 18 小时内到达你家门口。三四个小时后,这还远远不够,你发现自己想要更多。

It’s all so efficient, all so fast and affordable. But there’s more to life than quick and cheap and easy. 这一切都是如此高效、快速且经济实惠。但是,生活不仅仅是快速、廉价和简单。

Kids used to be obsessed with Santa Claus because he would come just one day a year. And they’d have to behave themselves that whole year through, or he wouldn’t come at all. 孩子们过去对圣诞老人很着迷,因为他一年只来一天。而且他们得整整一年都表现得好,不然他根本不会来。

Maybe it wasn’t the toys he brought that made Santa so beloved. Maybe it was the meaning and specialness he gave to those toys, because he made you earn them and wait for them. 也许不是他带来的玩具让圣诞老人如此受人喜爱。也许是他赋予这些玩具的意义和特殊性,因为他让你赚到它们并等待它们。

Keep on investing your time and effort, honoring your commitment to a purpose that transcends the shallow, fleeting desires. What you’re earning by doing so is a deep and satisfying richness that endures. 继续投入你的时间和精力,兑现你对超越肤浅、转瞬即逝的欲望的目标的承诺。您这样做所赚取的是一种持久的深刻而令人满意的财富。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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