Active appreciation

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共907字       Views:18

Take something for granted and you diminish its value. Take it for granted long enough and you could lose it altogether. 认为某样东西是理所当然的,你就会降低它的价值。认为它是理所当然的足够长的时间,你可能会完全失去它。

That’s because whatever you take for granted, you fail to make use of. Your inattention leaves it to crumble into disrepair. 那是因为无论你认为理所当然的东西,你都没能利用。你的疏忽会让它崩溃成年久失修。

But that doesn’t have to happen. Because you can make it your business to appreciate. 但这并非必须发生。因为你可以把欣赏作为你的事业。

Appreciation illuminates and gives you access to existing value. Your appreciation informs, inspires and encourages you to build on that value. 升值可以照亮并让您获得现有价值。您的感激之情会让您了解、启发和鼓励您在此价值观的基础上再接再厉。

Replace resentment and apathy with gratitude and active appreciation. Connect with the boundless abundance that already exists. 用感恩和积极欣赏取代怨恨和冷漠。与已经存在的无限丰富建立联系。

Think of all you can appreciate, and act on those thoughts. Continually rediscover and give your energy to the good that exists in your world and in your life. 想想你能欣赏的一切,并根据这些想法采取行动。不断重新发现并将你的能量投入到存在于你的世界和生活中的美好事物中。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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