Time to ripen

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1114字       Views:18

Sometimes you can create results very quickly. Many times, though, you must have some patience. 有时,您可以非常快速地创建结果。不过,很多时候,您必须有一些耐心。

Flowers won’t bloom any faster than flowers bloom, no matter how aggressively you work at it. Indeed, giving them too much attention and handling can actually damage them and prevent them from blooming. 花朵不会比花朵开得更快,无论你多么积极地努力。事实上,给予它们过多的关注和处理实际上会损坏它们并阻止它们开花。

The same is true for all sorts of endeavors. You have to be ambitious and diligent about doing the work, and patient about getting the results. 各种努力都是如此。你必须雄心勃勃,勤奋地做工作,并耐心地获得结果。

But that’s really not such a bad thing. Because the longer you must wait, the more you value and appreciate whatever you’re waiting for. 但这真的不是一件坏事。因为您必须等待的时间越长,您就越珍惜和欣赏您等待的一切。

Patience is not merely being idle and dispassionate. Rather, it’s an understanding and acceptance of the fact that good things can take time to fully emerge. 耐心不仅仅是懒惰和冷静。相反,它是对好事物需要时间才能完全显现这一事实的理解和接受。

Give the desired results in your life the time they require, the time they deserve, the time that brings meaning and richness. Do swiftly and eagerly what you must do, and go forward with patience as the fruits of your labor take time to ripen. 给你生活中想要的结果,他们需要的时间,他们应得的时间,带来意义和丰富的时间。迅速而热切地做你必须做的事情,并耐心地前进,因为你的劳动成果需要时间才能成熟。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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