Quickly recover

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1036字       Views:15

You had the best of intentions, and even got off to a great start. Then you were hit with a totally unexpected disruption. 你的意图是最好的,甚至有了一个良好的开端。然后你遇到了一个完全出乎意料的中断。

You can’t turn back the clock and prevent it from happening. Anger, resentment, complaints and self pity might feel appropriate, but they’re not going to improve your situation. 你不能让时钟倒流并阻止它发生。愤怒、怨恨、抱怨和自怜可能感觉很合适,但它们不会改善你的处境。

That’s up to you. Fortunately, you’re fully capable and well positioned to do it. 这取决于你。幸运的是,您完全有能力并且有能力做到这一点。

Make it your purpose to quickly recover. No, you certainly didn’t want to have to do so, but now it’s your best way forward. 让快速恢复成为您的目标。不,您当然不想这样做,但现在这是您最好的前进方式。

Accept what’s happened, start with what you have, what you’re left with, and take a positive, productive step. Feel the power of your own intention, the effectiveness of your own action, and keep that feeling going. 接受已经发生的事情,从你所拥有的、你剩下的开始,并采取积极、富有成效的步骤。感受你自己意图的力量,你自己行动的有效性,并保持这种感觉。

You got started, you got ambushed by life, but now you can be right back at it. Make that choice because it’s your best one, and discover how you can prevail no matter what. 你已经开始了,你被生活埋伏了,但现在你可以马上回来。做出那个选择,因为这是你最好的选择,并发现你如何无论如何都能获胜。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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