Your potential

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1180字       Views:16

You have plenty of unrealized potential. Whenever you choose, you can transform good things that could be into good things that are. 你有很多未实现的潜力。无论何时选择,您都可以将本来可以的好事物转化为美好的事物。

There is great abundance in this universe. Each day is a fresh new opportunity to harvest and express that abundance in specific, meaningful ways that will enrich all of life. 这个宇宙中有很多。每一天都是一个全新的机会,以特定、有意义的方式收获和表达这种丰富,这将丰富所有的生活。

Yes, it can be done and you can be the person who does it. Yes, it will take significant effort and you are able to make that effort. 是的,这是可以做到的,而且你可以成为做这件事的人。是的,这需要付出巨大的努力,而且您能够做出这种努力。

You’ve already proven how capable you are by navigating your way through life’s many and varied challenges up to this point. Now, use that same power to take on new challenges and to create new value. 到目前为止,您已经通过应对生活中的众多不同挑战证明了自己的能力。现在,利用同样的力量来迎接新的挑战并创造新的价值。

Whatever you have already achieved, you owe yourself the splendid, satisfying experience of working to achieve even more. Your unrealized potential has been waiting long enough, so jump forward and bring it to life. 无论你已经取得了什么成就,你都应该为自己带来辉煌的、令人满意的经历,努力取得更大的成就。您未实现的潜力已经等待了足够长的时间,所以请向前跳,让它成为现实。

Throw away all the excuses, step beyond your doubts and hesitations, and go for it. Feel the great treasure that’s already so very close, and make it real. 扔掉所有的借口,超越你的疑虑和犹豫,去做吧。感受已经如此接近的巨大宝藏,并让它成为现实。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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