Genuine understanding

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1143字       Views:15

You have your own perspective, and it is well-informed and valuable. Yet you do not know it all, and it’s a good idea to avoid the assumption that you do. 你有自己的观点,而且它见多识广且有价值。然而,您并不了解所有内容,最好避免假设自己知道。

Other people may often frustrate and annoy you, and you may wonder how they could be so ignorant, immature, misinformed or whatever. But you only see a very small part of their perspective, and cannot possibly know everything that goes into their decisions. 其他人可能经常让你感到沮丧和烦恼,你可能会想他们怎么会如此无知、不成熟、被误导或其他什么。但你只能看到他们视角的一小部分,不可能知道他们决策中的所有内容。

Being overly judgmental rarely does anyone any good. Look for opportunities to replace judgment with empathy and understanding. 过度评判很少对任何人有任何好处。寻找机会用同理心和理解代替评判。

Do all you can to live and act with excellence, and expect excellence from others. When people fail to live up to your expectations, find ways to offer help rather than to cause hurt. 尽你所能以卓越的方式生活和行动,并期望他人卓越。当人们没有达到您的期望时,想办法提供帮助而不是造成伤害。

Seek to understand, and to encourage genuine understanding in others. Let go of the need to lecture and to rant, so you can spend more of your precious life in a positive state. 寻求理解,并鼓励他人真诚的理解。放下说教和咆哮的需要,这样你就可以在积极的状态中度过更多的宝贵生命。

Make connections instead of judgments. And make the best of every situation and of every person you encounter. 建立联系而不是评判。并充分利用您遇到的每一种情况和每个人。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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