Yours right now

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1012字       Views:17

Take in the beauty of this moment and let it fill you. Yet do not try to hold it. 享受这一刻的美丽,让它充满你。然而,不要试图持有它。

For as soon as you attempt to possess it, the beauty is lost. When you grasp it too tightly, you lose the ability to experience it. 因为一旦你试图拥有它,美丽就失去了。当你把它抓得太紧时,你就会失去体验它的能力。

Let this unique moment flow toward you, and then let it flow away from you as the next moment comes to take its place. Allow the beautiful experience of life to be born again and again. 让这个独特的时刻向你流来,然后让它从你身边流走,因为下一刻来了。让生命的美好体验一次又一次地诞生。

The real value of this moment is in the way you live it. Live it fully, lovingly, gratefully, and there is no need to hold on to it, for the best of it will always be a part of you. 这一刻的真正价值在于你如何度过它。充分、充满爱心、感恩地生活,没有必要坚持它,因为它最好的永远是你的一部分。

Each moment offers its own special treasure. Let go of your need to judge, to analyze, to possess, and simply experience the wonder that is yours right now. 每个时刻都有其独特的宝藏。放下你评判、分析、拥有的需要,简单地体验现在属于你的奇迹。

You are free in this moment to live, to create, to give, to grow. Lovingly open your eyes to the abundant possibilities, and dive gently into this beautiful moment. 在这一刻,你可以自由地生活、创造、给予、成长。深情地睁开眼睛,看到丰富的可能性,轻轻地沉浸在这个美丽的时刻。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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