All you’ve experienced

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1139字       Views:14

Your failed attempts have taught you crucial lessons. Those good intentions you never followed through on have given you an appreciation for the value of commitment. 你失败的尝试教会了你重要的一课。那些你从未付诸实践的善意让你体会到承诺的价值。

Regrets born in your past provide inspiration and energy that you can put to good use. Now you can benefit from it all. 过去产生的遗憾会提供灵感和能量,您可以好好利用它们。现在您可以从中受益。

Not only can you expand upon whatever successes you’ve created. You’re also able to find wisdom and fresh determination in recalling those painful times when you’ve disappointed yourself. 您不仅可以扩展您创造的任何成功。你也能够在回忆那些让你自己失望的痛苦时刻中找到智慧和新的决心。

From the richness of your life experience, today you can begin to take effective action. You have what it takes to continue doing so until you’ve achieved the results that truly matter to you. 从你丰富的人生经历来看,今天你可以开始采取有效的行动。您有能力继续这样做,直到获得对您真正重要的结果。

Your past has played a significant role in the person you now are. Yet no matter how definitive that past has been, your future is not a foregone conclusion. 你的过去对你现在的你起了重要的作用。然而,无论过去多么明确,您的未来都不是定局。

That future will be shaped by what you do today, drawing upon all you’ve experienced and all you know, using whatever you have. Now is your opportunity to make it the best you can imagine. 那个未来将由你今天所做的事情来塑造,利用你所经历的一切和你所知道的一切,利用你所拥有的一切。现在是您让它成为您能想象到的最好的机会。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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