Meaningful life

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1129字       Views:15

Meaning has infinite potential. You can always experience more, create more, and offer more meaning. 意义具有无限的潜力。您总是可以体验更多,创造更多,并提供更多意义。

Indeed, every experience of a particular form of meaning that already exists, results in more meaning. Through your own life, through all of life, meaning is kept alive. 事实上,每一次对已经存在的特定形式的意义的体验,都会产生更多的意义。通过你自己的生活,通过所有的生命,意义得以保持活力。

Meaning flows in all directions. Through every connection, every activity, you accumulate meaning and you disperse meaning. 意义向四面八方流动。通过每一次联系,每一次活动,你积累了意义,也分散了意义。

To live with rich meaning is a matter of opening yourself up to the potential for meaning that is everywhere. Be eager to imbue meaning and you find it in abundance. 要活出丰富的意义,就要敞开心扉,迎接无处不在的意义潜力。渴望注入意义,你会发现它很丰富。

Your meaningful self continually interacts with your rational self and your emotional self to enrich your life. And yet meaning is not constrained by or limited to reason or feelings. 你有意义的自我不断与你的理性自我和你的情感自我互动,以丰富你的生活。然而,意义并不局限于理性或情感。

Your life, your world, what you know and what you don’t, all mean something because you are able to experience meaning. However it unfolds, yours is a meaningful and precious life, with value far beyond what can ever be imagined. 你的生活,你的世界,你知道的和你不知道的,都有意义,因为你能够体验到意义。无论它如何展开,您的生命都是有意义和宝贵的,其价值远远超出想象。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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